JC's status

Monday, July 12, 2004

Some other things

See below for my status.


1. quite a bit of time on my hands
2. broadband access
3. poor concentration

I've been trawling through other blog sites.

Some are quite good. Most seem to be rather self-indulgent written by angst-ridden teenagers, from Singapore mainly.

Now, I can't throw too many stones because:

1. I was a teenager when The Smiths started
2. My aim for throwing things is rather bad these days
3. I don't have any stones to hand.

Nevertheless I do wonder for whom these sites are written (and indeed set up, many have a lot of effort put into the design).

Let's hope their parents, friends, college tutors or the Singapore police don't read them.

My concerns was backed up by an article in The Register on the psychology of bloggers.

The irony of a blogger relaying findings that bloggers may have low self-esteem doesn't totally escape me. Let's just say irony's hiding under the bed at the moment.


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